Dad’s Simple Recipes

Dad’s Simple Marinade

by | Jul 26, 2019 | Marinades, Recipes | 0 comments

This recipe creates a delicious and simple marinade that can be used to flavor inexpensive cuts of London Broil, pricier but delicious cuts of Flank or Skirt Steak. I also use it to marinade chunks of meat that I skewer with vegetables to create Shish kabob.

Chopping parsley

The mixture is incredibly simple. If you marinate (soak) meat in the mixture for at least an hour (4 or more hours is even better!) the meat takes on an incredible flavor and produces delicious juices that add flavor to your side dish of rice, grains, or potato.

Recipe for Dad’s Simple Marinade

Mix all the ingredients in a bowl with a whisk or spoon.
  • 1/4 cup – lemon juice (or 1 lemon juiced)
  • 1/4 cup – olive oil
  • 1/4/cup – soy sauce
  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano
  • 3 cloves of garlic crushed with garlic press or in mortar and pestle
  • 1/4 cup chopped, fresh parsley (no, not dried. This is an optional, but recommended ingredient)

Mix ingredients in a bowl and marinate meat for at least 1 hour (if you do it overnight it’s even better!). Flip meat periodically. Cook the meat on the BBQ or roast in the oven (425 F degrees).

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