Dad’s Simple Recipes

Dad’s New Favorite Breakfast – Hummus Avocado Toast

by | Feb 2, 2020 | Breakfast | 1 comment

My daughter Abby showed me her new favorite thing for breakfast (at 12-ish) called “Avocado Toast”. I was like WHAT THE HECK?! But I just let it go. Then one day while away visiting my cousin Yvonne, I was scrounging around for something to eat for breakfast and she said, “Hey, why don’t you make yourself some toast and put hummus on it? It’s good! You have to try it.” Now my cousin knows good food, so I decided to try it. So I toasted a couple of pieces of nice, whole grain bread (check out Dad’s Epic Multigrain Bread recipe) and I began to spread some Sabra hummus onto the toast. Then I saw this beautiful, ripe avocado on her counter. So I decided to slice it up and put it on my toast with hummus. Then I saw a beautiful tomato and a red onion. So I sliced them up real thin and layered them on top. I put a dollop of capers on, a little salt and pepper and away I went with the discovery of my new favorite breakfast: toasted multigrain bread with hummus, avocado, tomato, red onion and capers!

There isn’t much to this recipe, but I can promise you that the flavor is full and you will feel full until lunch. Simply spread your favorite hummus on your choice of bread, slice up some ripe avocado, tomatoes, and if you like, add some sliced onions and a bit of capers. Try different things. Hummus is very nutritious as are avocados, tomatoes and red onions. So…Dad says your Mom will be happy you are eating well! And if Mom is happy, so is Dad.

About Dad

1 Comment

  1. lisacervera

    Quite delicious…minus the extra large serving of red onion! 🙂


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