Dad’s Simple Recipes

Dad’s Creamy Dijon Salad Dressing

by | Oct 27, 2019 | Recipes, Salads and Dressings | 1 comment

When you get tired of oil and vinegar, Ranch, Thousand Island, and French dressings, try this really delicious and simple to make salad dressing. I like to make up a batch of it and keep it in the fridge for the week. Just give it a good shake or stir to whip it up before each serving. A great thing about this salad dressing is that it has no milk products of any kind, so you get a nice creamy texture without the fat of milk.

The recipe uses something called tahini, which may be a new ingredient for some of my readers. Tahini is a product that is made of pulverized sesame seeds in oil. Think if it as a kind of “peanut butter” made with sesame seeds rather than peanuts. You will likely need to mix the tahini up real well before using it. Some brands of tahini are better than others. This happens to be one item that I find is a “no substitute item”. That is…don’t just get any old brand. My cousin Yvonne turned me on to this brand called Soon Food available from Amazon. I have found it to be the perfect consistency and taste and stays mixed for longer than other brands, which tend to get clumpy and separate from the oil in the jar. But whatever Tahini you have on hand will work.

The recipe also calls for Dijon mustard. You can use any kind you like, but I prefer Grey Poupon Country Dijon Mustard for the best flavor and texture.

Notice that this is NOT a “honey dijon” salad dressing. That’s because I don’t like sweet tasting salad dressings. I’m more of a savory kind of guy (as opposed to an “unsavory” sort a bloke). But if you like sweet, add a tablespoon of honey to the recipe and BAM! You have a honey dijon salad dressing. Enjoy!


In a measuring cup, pint sized plastic container with lid, or jar with lid, please the following ingredients and mix or shake until completely blended. Serve cold over salad.

  • 1 tablespoons dijon mustard
  • 2 tablespoons tahini
  • 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
  • juice of 1 lemon (or 1/8th cup of bottled lemon juice)
  • 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
  • salt

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1 Comment

  1. lisacervera

    I love this recipe! You are quite the food blogger!


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