Dad’s Simple Recipes

Dad’s Yummy Hummus

Dad’s Yummy Hummus

I used to insist on a specific brand of store bought hummus. Now I insist on making my own. It's a heck of a lot cheaper and in the opinion of me and my family, it's so much tastier. You are not going to believe how simple it is to make, and how yummy your hummus is going to taste! Hummus is very...

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Carne Mechada

Carne Mechada

Recently my sister Pam reminded our family of a delicious Puerto Rican recipe that our grandmother used to make when we were kids. I had totally forgotten about it because it was a meal that Grandma...

Beef Stuffed Pinwheels

Beef Stuffed Pinwheels

I have recently discovered the joys of rolling meat with various ingredients to create a culinary delight that is relatively simple. I say "relatively" because, while this website is called "Dad's...